Does your company’s video marketing content look more like a high school powerpoint presentation, than a captivating piece of professional marketing material?

Are you trying to position your company as an industry-leader?

These days, every piece of content you or your company shares has got to be done just right. If not, it may be doing more harm than good, and damaging your company’s brand reputation.

Quality content should be well produced to a high standard, and be consistent in style across the board. This includes marketing video content, photos, graphics and documents.

Content should also provide something of value to your market. So while you’re providing something that’s genuinely interesting to your audience, you’re positioning your brand as an authority in the field.

At Pure Gold Films, we help the mining, manufacturing and construction industry enhance their image and win more work, through high impact video production that delivers maximum engagement.

If you want maximum engagement with key decision makers in your market, why not get in touch with us today? We love the Australian heavy industry, and would be happy to help support you.

What’s your company’s biggest challenge with getting results from marketing on LinkedIn?

If you’d like to know more about creating video content, simply contact us to get in touch.

– Edwin