GroundProbe: RGR-Velox Ground Monitoring Radar – Product Launch Video
The RGR-Velox is a high-precision reactive monitoring and alarming tool for tailings dam breaches, landslides and large slope failures.
We were excited when Ground Probe gave Pure Gold Films the opportunity to edit and create this video for their new product launch.
Using existing footage provided to us by the client, we used motion graphics and colouring techniques to transform the raw footage into a high-end, cinematic piece of dynamic content.
GroundProbe Senior Marketing Coordinator, Justin Brosnan shared this feedback on the finished video:
“We were looking for more than just a videographer or video editing company to produce high-quality video content for us for our product launches; we were looking for a video partner.
Simply put, we were blown away. The end product was excellent and perfectly captured our product and its features and benefits.”
The video has received over 10,000 views on LinkedIn alone within four weeks of launch.
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